Upskilling in The Face of COVID-19

Danica Zeier
Danica Zeier
Danica Zeier is a professionally trained violinist and partner of artsnext, a Zurich based innovation agency.

Refind helps you get a little bit smarter every day. The most relevant links for you, every morning in your inbox. Start with this hand-curated series of 7 time-tested articles and videos from around the web, and we’ll take it from there.

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Upskilling in The Face of COVID-19
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A 7 Day Challenge to better understand your professional aspirations in a fast changing world that keeps a handful of challenges, but that also untapped opportunities to try out things that you’ve never dared before.

No daily news without a list of companies firing people due to COVID-19. And in times of crisis, businesses are suffering and moving faster. According to WEF, we’re in the midst of an Up- and Reskilling Revolution. 

But what does reskilling really mean for every single professional? Often, they have no concrete idea how they could be affected and how to create a vision and action plan of what their personal reskilling could look like. 

Danica Zeier is a professionally trained violinist and partner of artsnext, a Zurich based innovation agency. She’s an experienced expert in the fields of arts, design, business and education. In all her work the mission is the same: enable change by unlocking people’s potential using their soft skills to thrive in a challenging VUCA world. Danica is a lecturer at Zurich University of the Arts, University of Zurich and University of Basel, and co-founder of VUC^it, a fitness App for Upskilling at work.

  • Sir Ken Robinson: Do schools kill creativity? and 6 other articles and videos
  • Average reading time: 1 minutes
  • Topics covered: creativity
  • Read or listen to articles
  • From sites like TED Talks, Oprah Winfrey Network, McKinsey & Company, and more
  • You want to learn something new and are looking for a good, compact introduction.
  • You want to sharpen your skills on something you got into recently.
  • You want to catch up on a topic that has been in the news lately.
Day 1
Danica Zeier
Day 2
Danica Zeier
Day 3
Danica Zeier
Day 4
Danica Zeier
Day 5
Danica Zeier
Day 7
Danica Zeier
Level up!
Danica Zeier
Glad to see you made it all the way through this Deep Dive. We hope you found it useful and can put some of the insights to good use in your own daily life.

How does it work?

Day 1
Day 7
Level up!

Deep Dives are carefully hand-curated series of time-tested articles and videos from around the web.

We’ll guide you through, one link per day, every morning in your inbox.

Deep Dives come in bites that are short enough to fit in your day...

...but add up to a satisfying learning experience.

Contextualizing COVID-19 in the VUCA world (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, Ambiguity) and its driver helps us to better understand the vulnerability of businesses and people.

Danica Zeier

The Fourth Industrial Revolution is not about robots; it’s about strengthening core human soft skills that will make as future-proof at work and as a society.

Danica Zeier

In order to understand why we all have been educated out of creativity at school, listen to Ken Robinson in the most successful TED Talk where he explains why schools kill creativity.

Danica Zeier

In a more individualized society, it’s difficult to live up to our core competency “empathy”. Listen, watch and feel what Joan Halifax means when she asks us to be more compassionate.

Danica Zeier

In our unprecedented times working together remotely at work keeps challenging. It’s not enough to master digital tools - scientists and Adam Grant know it’s about how we respond to each other and how we can close emotional distances.

Danica Zeier

To empower change, executives can change people’s behavior with techniques such as “nudging” and different debiasing methods and have a positive effect on business - without restricting what people are able to do.

Danica Zeier

Congratulations on completing this challenge! 

Put your own oxygen mask on first! We know why this is important in airplanes. In times of pandemic crisis and the ongoing digitization, upskilling empowers us to deal better with uncertainty. Our oxygen masks are our future skills and our ability to be truly human again. The good news is that everyone can learn it. The bad news is that it takes willpower. And often, a little nudge on a daily basis helps us to get out of our comfort zone.

If you want to become clear and strong for the New Normal, get an invitation for our fitness app for upskilling at work here

Danica Zeier